Paulo Alves, professional coach in Strasbourg

About Paulo

My name is Paulo and I welcome you to P&A Coaching Project, a project aiming to support people looking for a transition or a change and their projects.

Why projects? Because projects have been my life, and life is driven by projects.

P&A Coaching Project is one of my most recent ones. One with roots in that distant moment when we have to decide what we will be doing when we grow older. By then I hesitated between my passion for nature and knowledge and the empathy for others. The former won and I worked in the field of life sciences for nearly 17 years.

However, change is inevitable, and eventually, a growing desire to work more closely with people led me to completed a coach-specific training from an ICF-approved program. I intimately understand the sensation of feeling adrift when work loses its charm, having experienced career changes across countries myself. Motivated by this, I became a certified Firework career coach and completed the certification “Supporting Career Transitions”.

At P&A Coaching Project we recognize that work is a cornerstone of our existence. I am here to support you through the uncharted waters of career uncertainty, fostering your growth and self-discovery.